
Quick Facts 燕灰蝶屬, 科學分類 ...
Rapala varuna
科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 節肢動物門 Arthropoda
綱: 昆蟲綱 Insecta
目: 鱗翅目 Lepidoptera
總科: 鳳蝶總科 Papilionoidea
科: 灰蝶科 Lycaenidae
亞科: 翠灰蝶亞科 Theclinae
族: 玳灰蝶族 Deudorigini
屬: 燕灰蝶屬 Rapala
Moore, 1881
Thecla varuna
Horsfield, [1829]


  • Baspa Moore, 1882
  • Hysudra Moore, 1881
  • Bidapsa Moore, 1882
  • Nadisepa Moore, 1882
  • Atara Zhdanko, 1996


Rapala cassidyi
Rapala tomokoae
  • 雅燕灰蝶Rapala abnormis
  • Rapala aquamarina
  • 寬帶燕灰蝶Rapala arata
  • Rapala arbaimuni
  • 波密燕灰蝶Rapala bomiensis
  • 堇彩燕灰蝶Rapala caerulea) =黃燕灰蝶(Rapala betuloides)——或稱堇彩燕灰蝶或淡紫小灰蝶
  • Rapala caerulescens
  • Rapala cassidyi
  • Rapala catena
  • Rapala christopheri
  • 珂燕灰蝶Rapala cowani
  • Rapala cyrhestica
  • 大漠燕灰蝶Rapala damona
  • 苔燕灰蝶Rapala dieneces) =德燕灰蝶 (Rapala drasmos
  • 滴燕灰蝶Rapala dioetas
  • 地奧燕灰蝶Rapala diopites
  • 多米提燕灰蝶Rapala domitia
  • 東安燕灰蝶Rapala donganensis
  • 愛絲燕灰蝶Rapala elcia
  • Rapala enipeus =擬似燕灰蝶 (Rapala affinis);興燕灰蝶 (Rapala cindy
  • 艾克燕灰蝶Rapala extensa
  • 哈德燕灰蝶Rapala hades
  • 日之丸燕灰蝶Rapala hinomaru
  • 紅燕灰蝶Rapala iarbus
  • 蘭開燕灰蝶Rapala lankana
  • 麻燕灰蝶Rapala manea
    • 容納燕灰蝶 (Rapala manea renata)——又視作一個
  • Rapala masara
  • 莫麗燕灰蝶Rapala melida) =燦燕灰蝶(Rapala sphinx
  • 美燕灰蝶Rapala micans
  • 迷燕灰蝶Rapala mikaae
  • 奈燕灰蝶Rapala nemorensis
  • 霓彩燕灰蝶Rapala nissa)——或稱霓彩燕灰蝶或平山小灰蝶
  • Rapala persephone
  • 緋爛燕灰蝶Rapala pheretima
  • 直帶燕灰蝶Rapala rectivitta) =布燕灰蝶 (Rapala buxaria);亞燕灰蝶 (Rapala subpurpurea
  • 閃爍燕灰蝶Rapala refulgens
  • 白帶燕灰蝶Rapala repercussa
  • 薔薇燕灰蝶Rapala rhoda
  • 玫瑰燕灰蝶Rapala rhodopis
  • 羅燕灰蝶Rapala rhoecus
  • 麗貝燕灰蝶Rapala ribbei
  • 玫花燕灰蝶Rapala rosacea
  • 紅韻燕灰蝶Rapala rubida
  • 火花燕灰蝶Rapala scintilla
  • 彩燕灰蝶Rapala selira
  • 點染燕灰蝶Rapala suffusa
  • 高砂燕灰蝶Rapala takasagonis)——或稱高砂燕灰蝶或高砂小灰蝶
  • 塔燕灰蝶Rapala tara
  • Rapala tomokoae
  • 佛燕灰蝶Rapala vajana
  • 燕灰蝶Rapala varuna)——或稱墾丁小灰蝶
  • Rapala zamona


  • Corbet, A. S., 1939. A revision of the Malayan species of Rapala Moore (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. (B)8(6): 103-112, fig. 1-20a.
  • Horsfield, T., 1828-1829. A descriptive catalogue of the lepidopterous insects in the museum of the Honourable East India Company. 144 pp., 8 pls. London.
  • Hayashi, Hisakazu, Heinz Schroeder & Colin Treadaway, 1978: New species of Rapala and Sinthusa from Mindanao (Lepidoptra: Lycaenidae). Tyo-to-Ga. 29(4): [215-219.[1]頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館
  • Khanh, H., 2011. A new species of the genus Rapala Moore, (1881) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) from Vietnam. Butterflies (Teinopalpus) (58): 14-16.
  • Lane, D. A. & Müller, C. J., 2006. New species and subspecies of Rapala Moore and Deudorix Hewitson (Lepidoptear: Lycaenidae) from East Timor. Australian Entomologist 33(2): 93-102.
  • Lee, C.-L., 1979: Some new species of Rhopalocera in China. V. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 4 (1): 35-38.
  • Matsumura, S., 1926: Some new and unrecorded Lycaenids-Species from Japan, Corea and Formosa. Insecta Matsumurana 1 (1): 23-31. Full article: [2]頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館).
  • Moore, F., 1881. Lepidoptera of Ceylon Volume 1. L. Reeve英語Lovell Augustus Reeve & Co., London. 190 pp. 71 pls.
  • Murayama, S.-I. & H. Okamura, 1973: Butterflies of Luzon Island in Philippines, with descriptions of new species and subspecies. Tyo to Ga 24 (1): 10-25.
  • Parsons, M. 1999: The butterflies of Papua New Guinea: their systematics and biology. San Diego: Academic Press.
  • Saito, K., 2011: A new species of the genus Rapala Moore, [1881](Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) from Vietnam. Butterflies (Teinopalpus) 58: 14-16.
  • Shinkai, A. & S. Morita, 1997: A new species of genus Rapala Moore, 1881 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Wallace 3: 37-40.
  • Takanami, Y., 1989. On some type specimens of Lycaenidae from South East Asia. Tyô to Ga 40(1): 23-80. Abstract and full article: [3]頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館).
  • Takanami, Y., 1992: A new species of genus Rapala (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) from Sumba, Indonesia. Tyô to Ga 43 (2): 147-148. Abstract and full article: [4]頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館).
  • Takanami, Y., 1992. Notes on some species of the genus Rapala (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) from Sulawesi, with the description of a new species. Tyô to Ga 43(3):193-202. Full article: [5]
  • Vane-Wright, R. I. & de Jong, R. 2003: The butterflies of Sulawesi: annotated checklist for a critical island fauna. Zoologische Verhandelingen 343, 1-267.
  • Hayashi, Hisakazu, 1984: New Synonyms, New Status, New Combinations, New Species and New Subspecies of Butterflies from the Philippines and Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Satyridae, Riodindae, Lycaenidae). IWASE. 2: 9-28.
  • Treadaway, Colin G. & Schrőder, Heinz G., 2012: Revised checklist of the butterflies of the Philippine Islands (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera). Nachr. entomol. Ver. Apollo, Suppl. 20: 1-64.

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