他出生在賓夕法尼亞州威廉斯波特,就讀於芝加哥大學,在那裡,他被捲入了當時的「新浪潮運動」(嚴肅認真地關注作為一種藝術形式的電影)。當時他的政見是「反共的社會主義者,研究了馬克思主義者們引起的革命,並目睹了革命如何通常不起作用」[1]。他在巴黎的索邦大學呆了六個月,每天看四部電影,後來回到芝加哥,並獲得了英語和通信新聞(English and Communications)專業碩士學位。
卡倫巴赫有許多年在加州大學出版社主編自然歷史指南(Natural History Guides)。他開始認真對待環境問題及它們同人類的價值體系、社會結構和生活方式的聯繫,就象他曾認真地去理解電影一樣。他深受愛德華·艾比(英語:Edward Abbey)的影響。他因此以綠色書籍的作者而著稱,即《生態烏托邦》(1975)和《生態烏托邦之誕生》(1981)等生態烏托邦的作者。他據說創造了「生態烏托邦」一詞。此外,他曾帶著極大興趣讀過默里·布克欽的《後匱乏社會的無政府主義》(Post-scarcity anarchism,1971年),後來又認識了布克欽本人。[2]
2006年,卡倫巴赫介紹了日本的一個社區運動的真實故事,從它的目標和實踐上,都使人聯想起他的生態烏托邦社會。他訪問了日本,並調查了山岸運動(Yamagishi)。它涉及大約三打建立在同一基本原則之上的共同社區(intentional communities):居住的農業(豬、牛和雞的家畜飼養,還有有機蔬菜和水果的種植)人口在生態意義上的融合,社會生活基於民主、相互理解、相互支持和健康的原則。每一個個體的居民點都被稱為是jikkenji(『為世界示範的社區』)。描述這些社區的文章「生態烏托邦在日本?」非常短。一上來就將其設定在「邂逅回歸大地的、致力於『一切眾生之長久幸福』的社會成員」[3]的視角上。全文分為「研討會中的山岸特殊課程」(Tokkoh)、「豐鄉町」(Toyosato)、「日常生活」(Daily Life)、「工作與遊戲」(Work and Play)、「可持續性觀點」(The Sustainability Perspective)、「山岸主義與我們」(Yamagishism and Us)等幾個小節。
1990年,卡倫巴赫提出了「地球十誡」(Earth's Ten Commandments),刊登在其個人主頁[4]上:
Thou shalt love and honor the Earth for it blesses thy life and governs thy survival.
Thou shalt keep each day sacred to the Earth and celebrate the turning of its seasons.
Thou shalt not hold thyself above other living things nor drive them to extinction.
Thou shalt give thanks for thy food to the creatures and plants that nourish thee.
Thou shalt limit thy offspring for multitudes of people are a burden unto the Earth.
Thou shalt not kill nor waste Earth's riches upon weapons of war.
Thou shalt not pursue profit at the Earth's expense but strive to restore its damaged majesty.
Thou shalt not hide from thyself or others the consequences of thy actions upon the Earth.
Thou shalt not steal from future generations by impoverishing or poisoning the Earth.
Thou shalt consume material goods in moderation so all may share Earth's bounty.
《安貧樂道的品質生活》(Living Poor With Style)(紐約:Bantam, 1972)
《生態學:袖珍指南》(Ecology: A pocket guide)(1998; rev. ed. 2008)
《有品味的廉價生活:活得好、花得少》(Living Cheaply With Style: Live Better and Spend Less)(伯克利:Ronin,1993). ISBN 0-914171-61-5
《有品味的廉價生活:活得好、花得少》(Living Cheaply With Style: Live Better and Spend Less,)第二版(伯克利:Ronin,2000). ISBN 1-57951-014-0
《帶回美洲野牛!:美洲大平原可持續的未來》(Bring Back the Buffalo!: A Sustainable Future for America's Great Plains)(2000)
Ernest Callenbach "Ecotopia in Japan?," in: Communities 132 (Fall 2006), pp. 42–49.
R. Frye, "The Economics of Ecotopia," in: Alternative Futures 3 (1980), pp. 71–81.
K.T. Goldbach, "Utopian Music: Music History of the Future in Novels by Bellamy, Callenbach and Huxley," in: Utopia Matters. Theory, Politics, Literature and the Arts, ed. F. Viera, M. Freitas, Porto 2005, pp. 237–243.
U. Meyer: "Selling an 'ecological religion'. Strategies of Persuasion in Ernest Callenbach’s 『Ecotopia』," In: M. Lotz, M. van der Minde, D. Weidmann (Hrsg.): Von Platon bis zur Global Governance. Entwürfe für menschliches Zusammenleben. Marburg 2010, S. 253-280.
H. Tschachler, "Despotic Reason in Arcadia. Ernest Callenbach's Ecological Utopias," Science-Fiction Studies 11 (1984), pp. 304–317.
Richard Seán O』Rourke. Transition Towns: Ecotopia Emerging? The role of Civil Society in escaping Carbon Lock-In(PDF). Communities. 2008-10-16: 21 [2010-01-21]. (原始內容(pdf)存檔於2010-06-13) (英語). In interview, Callenbach says that he had been a student radical in college at Chicago and describes his politics as "anti-communist socialist having studied Marxist inspired revolutions and saw how they usually didn't [work]."
Richard Seán O' Rourke. Transition Towns: Ecotopia Emerging? The role of Civil Society in escaping Carbon Lock-In(PDF). Communities. 2008-10-16: 21 [2010-01-21]. (原始內容(pdf)存檔於2010-06-13) (英語). When asked if he had been influenced by the work of Murray Bookchin, the other of de Guess's (1999) modern ecological utopians, he said he had read Post-scarcity anarchism (1971) with great interest and later came to know Bookchin personally.
Callenbach, Ernest. Ecotopia in Japan?(pdf). Communities. Fall 2006, 132: 42–49 [2010-01-21]. (原始內容存檔(PDF)於2010-12-23) (英語). Meet back-to-the-land communitarians with the goal of "sustainable happiness for all." Do they live like people in that fictional country, "Ecotopia"?