岡格尼爾(德語:Gungnir,也譯作永恆之槍、昆古尼爾、貢格尼爾[註 1]),此槍是北歐主神奧丁的所有物。至於Gungnir之名的由來,有人認為是以聲音表現出「貫穿」這個動作的說法最為可靠。亞薩神族和華納神族開戰時,就是由奧丁拿著此槍投出第一擊。相傳維京人在作戰時,會由指揮官先向敵人投擲長槍,就是承襲自此。[1]當奧丁將此槍擲出時,會發出劃越空際的亮光,地上的人稱之為「閃電」,另一說法是「流星」。神話中記載,對著這一把槍發誓的人,他的誓言必將實現。這也許就是對著流星許願的由來。[來源請求]
“ | Then Loki gave Odin the spear Gungnir, and to Thor the hair which Sif was to have, and Skídbladnir to Freyr, and told the virtues of all these things: that the spear would never stop in its thrust; the hair would grow to the flesh as soon as it came upon Sif's head; and Skídbladnir would have a favoring breeze as soon as the sail was raised, in whatsoever direction it might go, but could be folded together like a napkin and be kept in Freyr's pouch if he so desired. | ” |
——《散文埃達》 |
其中「never stop in its thrust」可以理解成「在穿刺的過程中不會被阻擋」,符合「貫穿」的描述,但不具有「必中」之意。
在《詩語法》中有更多關於此槍的描寫。昆古尼爾由侏儒按鐵匠侏儒杜華林之命鑄煉(即伊瓦第的兒子,Sons of Ivaldi)的,後來洛基從侏儒手上取得岡格尼爾,送給曾被他剃光頭髮的希芙作為補償。[3]
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