乘波體(Waverider),是一種高超音速飛機的設計,提高其超音速升阻比,其用自己的飛行產生一個升力面的衝擊波。[1][2] 此條目需要擴充。 (2012年4月29日) The Boeing X-51 forebody is an example of cone-derived waverider 歷史 早期研究 錐形流乘波體 星形體 設計 參考 [1]Document 88ABW-2009-1118, Point Paper on X-51A Scramjet Engine Flight Demonstrator, Boeing [2]Air Force to Test New Hypersonic Aircraft. Space.com. [2012-04-29]. (原始內容存檔於2010-11-25). 外部連結 Aerospace Web: Hypersonic Waveriders(頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Accurate Automation Corporation(頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) has built several model waveriders for low-speed study, including LoFLYTE and NASA's X-43 ASTRA WaveriderWikiwand - on Seamless Wikipedia browsing. On steroids.