國際IMPAC都柏林文學獎(英語:International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award愛爾蘭語Duais Liteartha Idirnáisiúnta Bhaile Átha Chliath)是一個國際性的文學獎項,表彰一部小說或翻譯成英文的小說,由愛爾蘭都柏林市政府主辦、都柏林市立圖書館承辦、美國IMPAC公司提供贊助。它的獎金高達€100,000,是世界上獎金最多的文學獎之一。提名由世界各地公共圖書館提交。該獎的一些獲得者後來亦獲得了諾貝爾文學獎,如赫塔·米勒奧爾罕·帕慕克

Quick Facts 國際IMPAC都柏林文學獎 International DUBLIN Literary Award, 授予對象 ...
International DUBLIN Literary Award
地點 愛爾蘭都柏林
前稱International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award
應屆得主米爾恰·克爾特雷斯庫《螺線管》英語Solenoid (2024)
提名最多3 – 科爾姆·托賓, 科拉姆·麥卡恩 (作者)
3 – Anne McLean (譯者)


More information 年度, 得主 ...
年度 得主 國籍 小說 入圍者 參考
1996 大衛·馬洛夫英語David_Malouf  澳洲 《回憶巴比倫》英語Remembering Babylon
1997 哈維爾·馬里亞斯  西班牙 A Heart So White
(translated from the Spanish by Margaret Jull Costa)
1998 赫塔·米勒  德國 風中綠李
(translated from German by Michael Hofmann)
  • 瑪格麗特·愛特伍Alias Grace
  • Andre BrinkImaginings of Sand
  • David DabydeenThe Counting House
  • 大衛·福斯特The Glade within the Grove
  • 牙買加·金凱德Autobiography of my Mother
  • Earl LovelaceSalt
  • 勞倫斯·諾福克The Pope's Rhinoceros
  • 格雷厄姆·斯維夫特Last Orders
  • Guy VanderhaegheThe Englishman's Boy
1999 安德魯·米勒  英國 從月亮來的男孩
2000 尼可拉·貝克英語Nicola_Barker  英國 Wide Open [1]
2001 阿利斯泰爾·麥克勞德[2]  加拿大 No Great Mischief
  • 瑪格麗特·塞澤·湯姆森The True History of Paradise
  • Silvia MolinaThe Love You Promised Me
  • 安德魯·歐海根Our Fathers
  • 維克多·佩列文Buddha's Little Finger
  • 科爾姆·托賓The Blackwater Lightship
2002 米歇爾·維勒貝克[4]  法國 Atomised/The Elementary Particles (aka Atomised)
(translated from French by Frank Wynne)
2003 奧爾罕·帕慕克  土耳其 我的名字叫紅
(translated from Turkish by Erdağ Göknar)
2004 塔哈爾·本·傑隆  摩洛哥 那耀眼的黑暗
(translated from French by Linda Coverdale)
2005 愛德華·保羅·瓊斯  美國 已知世界
  • Diane AwerbuckGardening at Night
  • 拉斯·薩比·克里斯滕森The Half Brother (translated from Norwegian by Kenneth Steven)
  • Damon GalgutThe Good Doctor
  • 道格拉斯·葛洛夫Elle
  • 亞農·赫潤貝格Phantom Pain (translated from Dutch by Sam Garrett)
  • 雪莉·哈澤德The Great Fire
  • 克里斯多夫·海恩Willenbrock (translated from German by Philip Boehm)
  • Frances ItaniDeafening
  • 強納森·列瑟孤獨堡壘
2006 科爾姆·托賓  愛爾蘭 大師
  • Chris AbaniGraceLand
  • 納迪姆·阿斯拉姆迷愛地圖
  • 羅蘭·本奈特Havoc in Its Third Year
  • 強納森.柯The Closed Circle
  • 楊·克里斯提安·龔達爾An Altered Light (translated from Danish by Anne Born)
  • Vyvyane LohBreaking the Tongue
  • Margaret MazzantiniDon't Move (translated from Italian by John Cullen)
  • 雅斯米納·卡黛哈 The Swallows of Kabul (translated from French by John Cullen)
  • 湯瑪斯·瓦頓The Logogryph
2007 佩爾·彼得松[5]  挪威 出門竊馬
(translated from Norwegian by Anne Born)
2008 拉維·哈吉[6]  加拿大 德尼羅的遊戲
  • 哈維爾·塞爾加斯The Speed of Light (translated from Spanish by Anne McLean)
  • 耶斯明尼·古內雷特尼The Sweet & Simple Kind
  • Gail JonesDreams of Speaking
  • Sayed KashuaLet It Be Morning (translated from Hebrew by Miriam Shlesinger)
  • 雅斯米納·卡黛哈The Attack (translated from French by John Cullen)
  • Patrick McCabe – Winterwood
  • 安德烈·馬金尼The Woman Who Waited (translated from French by Geoffrey Strachan)
2009 麥可·湯瑪斯英語Michael_Thomas_(Man_Gone_Down_author)[8]  美國 Man Gone Down
  • 朱諾.狄亞茲貧民窟宅男的世界末日
  • 尚·艾薛諾茲Ravel (translated from the original French by Linda Coverdale)
  • Mohsin Hamid拉合爾茶館的陌生人
  • 崔維斯·賀蘭The Archivist's Story
  • Roy JacobsenThe Burnt-Out Town of Miracles (translated from the original Norwegian by Don Shaw and Don Bartlett)
  • 大衛·萊維特The Indian Clerk
  • Indra SinhaAnimal's People
2010 赫布蘭德·巴克  荷蘭 雙子星
(translated from the Dutch by David Colmer)
  • 妙莉葉.芭貝里刺蝟的優雅 (translated from the original French by Alison Anderson)
  • Robert EdricIn Zodiac Light
  • Christoph HeinSettlement (translated from the original German by Philip Boehm)
  • Zoë HellerThe Believers
  • 喬瑟·歐尼爾荷蘭
  • Ross RaisinGod's Own Country
  • 瑪麗蓮‧羅賓遜回家
2011 科拉姆·麥卡恩[9]  愛爾蘭 讓偉大的世界旋轉 [10]
2012 喬恩·麥格雷戈[11]  英國 狗亦有道
  • John Bauer – Rocks in the Belly
  • David BergenThe Matter with Morris
  • 珍妮佛·伊根A Visit From the Goon Squad
  • 阿敏娜妲·佛納The Memory of Love
  • 卡爾·馬藍提斯馬特洪峰
  • Tim PearsLanded
  • 伊沙伊·薩里德Limassol
  • Cristovão TezzaThe Eternal Son
  • Willy VlautinLean on Pete
2013 凱文·巴里[13]  愛爾蘭 博海恩城
  • 米歇爾·維勒貝克The Map and the Territory
  • 安德魯·米勒Pure
  • 村上春樹1Q84
  • 裘莉·大塚The Buddha in the Attic
  • 亞瑟·菲利普斯The Tragedy of Arthur
  • 凱倫·羅斯威爾Swamplandia!
  • SjónFrom the Mouth of the Whale
  • 基奧斯蒂·斯克姆斯福爾德走得越快,越覺渺小
  • 湯米·維齡嘉愷撒里昂 (translated from Dutch by Sam Garrett)
2014 胡安·加夫列爾·巴斯克斯  哥倫比亞 《墜物之聲》
El ruido de las cosas al caer
  • Gerbrand BakkerThe Detour (translated from Dutch by David Colmer)
  • Michelle de KretserQuestions of Travel
  • Patrick FlaneryAbsolution
  • Karl Ove KnausgårdA Death in the Family (translated from Norwegian by Don Bartlett) (My Struggle – First Book)
  • Marie NDiayeThree Strong Women (translated from French by John Fletcher)
  • Andrés NeumanTraveller of the Century (translated from Spanish by Nick Caistor and Lorenza Garcia)
  • Tan Twan EngThe Garden of Evening Mists
2015 吉姆·克雷斯英語Jim_Crace  英國 Harvest
  • Richard FlanaganThe Narrow Road to the Deep North
  • Hannah KentBurial Rites
  • Bernardo KucinskiK (translated from Portuguese by Sue Branford)
  • Andreï MakineBrief Loves That Live Forever (translated from French by Geoffrey Strachan)
  • Colum McCannTransAtlantic
  • Mahi BinebineHorses of God (translated from French by Lulu Norman)
  • Chimamanda Ngozi AdichieAmericanah
  • Alice McDermottSomeone
  • Roxana RobinsonSparta
2016 阿希爾·夏爾馬英語Akhil_Sharma Family Life
  • Javier CercasOutlaws (Translated from Spanish by Anne McLean)
  • Mary CostelloAcademy Street
  • Dave EggersYour Fathers, Where Are They? And the Prophets, Do They Live Forever?
  • Jenny ErpenbeckThe End of Days (Translated from German by Susan Bernofsky)
  • Marlon JamesA Brief History of Seven Killings
  • Michel LaubDiary of the Fall (Translated from Portuguese by Margaret Jull Costa)
  • Scholastique MukasongaOur Lady of the Nile (Translated from French by Melanie Mauthner)
  • Jenny OffillDept. of Speculation
  • 瑪莉蓮·羅賓遜 –《萊拉》 (Lila)
2017 若澤·愛德華多·阿瓜盧薩英語José_Eduardo_Agualusa  安哥拉 A General Theory of Oblivion
  • Mia CoutoConfession of the Lioness (Translated from Portuguese by David Brookshaw)
  • Anne EnrightThe Green Road
  • Kim LeineThe Prophets of Eternal Fjord (Translated from Danish by Martin Aitken)
  • Valeria LuiselliThe Story of My Teeth (Translated from Spanish by Christina MacSweeney)
  • Viet Thanh Nguyen - The Sympathizer
  • Chinelo OkparantaUnder the Udala Trees
  • Orhan PamukA Strangeness in My Mind (Translated from Turkish by Ekin Oklap)
  • Robert SeethalerA Whole Life (Translated from German by Charlotte Collins)
  • Hanya YanagiharaA Little Life
2018 邁克·麥考馬克英語Mike_McCormack_(writer) Solar Bones
  • Alina BronskyBaba Dunja's Last Love (Translated from German by Tim Mahr)
  • Yuri HerreraThe Transmigration of Bodies (Translated from Spanish by Lisa Dillman)
  • Roy JacobsenThe Unseen (Translated from Norwegian by Don Bartlett and Don Shaw)
  • Han KangHuman Acts (Translated from Korean by Deborah Smith)
  • Eimear McBrideThe Lesser Bohemians
  • Antonio MorescoDistant Light (Translated from Italian by Richard Dixon)
  • Marie NDiayeLadivine (Translated from French by Jordan Stump)
  • Yewande OmotosoThe Woman Next Door
  • Elizabeth StroutMy Name Is Lucy Barton
2019 艾米麗·盧斯科維奇英語Emily_Ruskovich  美國 Idaho
  • Mathias ÉnardCompass (Translated from French by Charlotte Mandell)
  • Emily FridlundHistory of Wolves
  • Mohsin HamidExit West
  • Bernard MacLavertyMidwinter Break
  • Jon McGregorReservoir 13
  • Sally RooneyConversations with Friends
  • George SaundersLincoln in the Bardo
  • Rachel SeiffertA Boy in Winter
  • Kamila ShamsieHome Fire
2020 安娜·伯恩斯英語Anna_Burns  英國 Milkman
  • 派特·巴克 - The Silence of the Girls
  • Négar Djavadi - Disoriental (Translated from French by Tina Kover)
  • Esi Edugyan - Washington Black
  • Tayari Jones - An American Marriage
  • Édouard Louis - History of Violence (Translated from French by Lorin Stein)
  • Sigrid Nunez - The Friend
  • Tommy Orange - There There
  • Anuradha Roy - All the Lives We Never Lived
  • 奧爾加·托卡爾丘克 2018年諾貝爾文學獎得主 - Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead (Translated from Polish by Antonia Lloyd-Jones)
2021 瓦萊麗亞·路易塞利  墨西哥 《失蹤兒童檔案》英語Lost Children Archive [15]
2022 愛麗絲·澤尼特英語Alice Zeniter  法國 The Art of Losing
  • Catherine Chidgey-Remote Sympathy
  • 達維德·迪奧普 (translated from French by Anna Moschovakis)-At Night All Blood is Black
  • Akwaeke Emezi- The Death of Vivek Oji
  • Danielle McLaughlin-The Art of Falling
  • Leanne Betasamosake Simpson-Noopiming: The Cure for White Ladies
2023 卡特婭·奧斯坎普英語Katja Oskamp  德國 《馬察恩,我的愛》(Marzahn, Mon Amour)
  • 安東尼·多爾- Cloud Cuckoo Land
  • Percival Everett-The Trees
  • Fernanda Melchor (translated from Spanish by Sophie Hughes)-Paradais
  • Ivana Sajko (translated from Croatian by Mima Simic)- Love Novel
  • 金翠 (translated from French by Sheila Fischman)- Em
2024 米爾恰·克爾特雷斯庫  羅馬尼亞 《螺線管》英語Solenoid


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