奧古斯都·亨利·萊恩·福克斯·皮特·里弗斯中將 FRSFSAFRAI(Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt Rivers;1827年4月14日—1900年5月4日)是一名英國陸軍軍官、民族學家和考古學家[1],以他對考古方法的創新和他的豐富藏品聞名。他在國際上收集的大約22,000件藏品構成了牛津大學皮特·里弗斯博物館的基礎[2],而他在巨石陣周圍地區收集的古物則構成了威爾特郡的索爾茲伯里博物館[3]。
他14歲時在桑德赫斯特的皇家軍事學院接受了六個月的教育,並於1845年5月16日成為擲彈兵衛隊少尉。在長達32年的軍事生涯中,他雖然不是總在前線,但也參加過阿爾馬河戰役等重大行動。1851年,他開始負責試驗和報告軍隊滑膛步槍性能,1852年到伍爾維奇指導使用新型米尼步槍(Minié rifle)。隨後,他主要負責在肯特郡建立了一所火槍學校,在那裡授課,修訂了《步槍教學》(Instruction of Musketry)手冊,1858 年又發表了一篇主張改進步槍的論文[11][12]。1850年8月2日,他升為上尉,在克里米亞戰爭期間升為中校,1858年因克里米亞戰爭期間的表現獲得梅吉迪勳章,1867年1月22日升為上校,1877年升為少將[13]。他於1882年退休,同時獲中將軍階。
隨著1882年《古蹟保護法》的通過,皮特·里弗斯成為第一位古蹟調查員(Inspector of Ancient Monuments)。這一職位由約翰·拉伯克創建,後者是皮特·里弗斯的女婿。在皮特·里弗斯的建議下,肯特郡的Kit's Coty House和Little Kit's Coty House是首批受國家保護的英國古蹟。[16]
Hicks, Dan. Hicks, Dan; Stevenson, Alice , 編. World Archaeology at the Pitt Rivers Museum: a characterization. Oxford: Archaeopress. 2013: 1–15. It was founded in 1884 with a donation of a collection of c.22,092 archaeological and ethnological objects, which had been assembled between c.1851 and the early 1880s by General Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt-Rivers (1827–1900) – who was known until 1880 simply as Augustus Henry Lane Fox....The PRM founding collection was donated to the University four years after Pitt-Rivers had inherited a large estate (and his new surname): an event that transformed his life.
Bowden, Mark. Pitt Rivers. The life and Archaeological work of Lieutenant General Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt Rivers. Journal of Field Archaeology 21 (Cambridge University). 1991: 249–251. ISBN 0-521-400775. JSTOR 529871. doi:10.2307/529871.
Spelling as "Lane-Fox" e.g. in Chisholm (1911) harvtxt error: no target: CITEREFChisholm1911 (help) and in Pitt-Rivers (1906) – The Evolution of Culture.
Petch, A. Notes and Queries and the Pitt Rivers Museum. Museum Anthropology. 2007, 30: 21–39. doi:10.1525/mua.2007.30.1.21.
Bowden, Mark (1984) General Pitt Rivers: The father of scientific archaeology. Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum. ISBN0-947535-00-4.
Bowden, Mark (1991) Pitt Rivers: The life and archaeological work of Lieutenant-General Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt Rivers. Cambridge University Press. ISBN0-521-40077-5
Hicks, Dan. Hicks, Dan; Stevenson, Alice , 編. Characterizing the World Archaeology Collections of the Pitt Rivers Museum. World Archaeology at the Pitt Rivers Museum: A Characterization. 2013. doi:10.2307/j.ctv17db2mz.7.
Penniman, T.K. General Pitt Rivers Man, Vol. 46, (July – August 1946), pp. 73–74. Published by: Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Article Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2793146 (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
Thompson, M.W. (1977) General Pitt Rivers: Evolution and archaeology in the nineteenth century. Bradford-on-Avon : Moonraker Press. ISBN0-239-00162-1