由於經濟和其它的原因,石油和天然氣的生產往往涉及定向鑽井,井的路徑從一個單一的井口在水平和垂直方向上都延伸好幾公里。由於附近還有其它的鑽孔,也由於目標的大小-儲藏層可能只有數十到數百米寬-和安全上的理由,在精度上的要求很嚴格。使用陀螺儀的測量方法是最精確也是最昂貴的,因為它可能需要停止鑽井數小時。一個替代的方法是使用磁性的測量,它可以進行鑽井中測量。幾近即時的磁性資料可以用來更正鑽井的方向,並且鄰近的磁場觀測台是不可或缺的(Clark and Clarke, 2001; Reay et al., 2006)。磁性資料和風暴預測還有助於在持續的基礎上弄清楚未知來源的操作錯誤。
Clark, T. D. G. and E. Clarke, 2001. Space weather services for the offshore drilling industry. In Space Weather Workshop: Looking Towards a Future European Space Weather Programme. ESTEC, ESA WPP-194.
Carlowicz, M. J., and R. E. Lopez, 2002, "Storms from the Sun", Joseph Henry Press, Washington DC.
Reay, S. J., W. Allen, O. Baillie, J. Bowe, E. Clarke, V. Lesur, S. Macmillan, 2005. Space weather mom on drilling accuracy in the North Sea. Annales Geophysicae, Vol. 23, pp 3081–3088.
Mertens, Christopher. Progress on NASA NAIRAS Model Development(PDF). Space Policy Institute Workshop on Space Weather, Aviation, and Spaceflight. 2008-01-11 [2008-04-27]. (原始內容(PDF)存檔於2008-05-28).
Russell, Randy. Geomagnetic Storms. Windows to the Universe. National Earth Science Teachers Association. March 29, 2010 [23 February 2013]. (原始內容存檔於2013-06-06).
The Human Impacts of Space Weather(頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) - A complete guide to all known impacts of space weather to technology, human health, and an extensive newspaper archive of reported impacts since 1840