

More information 国家, 叛军 ...
国家 叛军 次级团体/附属组织 冲突 成立时间 领导人 参考来源
民主同盟军 (ADF)
  • Allied Democratic Forces insurgency
  • 基伍冲突
  • Ituri conflict
1996 Musa Baluku [1]
  • Abdullah Azzam Brigades
  • Aden-Abyan Islamic Army
  • Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
  • Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent
  • Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb
  • Al-Qaeda Kurdish Battalions
  • Al-Qaeda in the Sinai Peninsula
  • Al-Shabaab
  • Ansar al-Sharia (Yemen)
  • Guardians of Religion Organization
  • Imam Shamil Battalion
  • Islamic Jihad of Yemen
  • Jama'at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin
  • Khorasan group
  • Salafia Jihadia
  • Tawhid al-Jihad
  • Afghanistan conflict
  • Al-Qaeda insurgency in Yemen
  • Yemeni Civil War
  • Insurgency in the Maghreb
  • Northern Mali conflict
  • Insurgency in Balochistan
  • War in North-West Pakistan
  • Somali Civil War
  • Syrian Civil War
  • Insurgency in Egypt
  • Libyan Crisis (2011–present)
1988 Ayman al-Zawahiri [2][3][4]
伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国 Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
  • Abu Sayyaf (ASG)
  • Al-Khansaa Brigade
  • Algeria Province
  • Allied Democratic Forces (parts of)
  • Ansar Khalifa Philippines
  • Army of the Islamic State
  • Caucasus Province
  • Central Africa Province
  • City of Monotheism and Monotheists (MTM)
  • Islamic State in the Greater Sahara
  • Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
  • Islamic State in Somalia
  • Jaish al-Ta'ifa al-Mansurah
  • Janood-ul-Khalifa-e-Hind
  • Jundallah (Pakistan)
  • Khorasan Province
  • Libya Province
  • Mujahidin Indonesia Timur (MIT)
  • Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem
  • Sheikh Omar Hadid Brigade
  • Sinai Province
  • Sons of the Call for Tawhid and Jihad
  • Yemen Province
  • Islamic State–Taliban conflict
  • Yemeni Civil War
  • Insurgency in the Maghreb
  • Northern Mali conflict
  • War in North-West Pakistan
  • Somali Civil War
  • Syrian Civil War
  • Insurgency in Egypt
  • ISIL insurgency in Tunisia
  • Turkey–ISIL conflict
  • Sinai insurgency
  • Moro insurgency in the Philippines
  • Iraqi insurgency (2017–present)
  • Libyan Crisis (2011–present)
  • Boko Haram insurgency
  • Gaza–Israel conflict
  • Kivu conflict
  • Allied Democratic Forces insurgency
  • Insurgency in Cabo Delgado
  • Ituri conflict
1999 Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi [5][6][7][8][9]
Jama'at al-Jihad al-Islami 2002
Jemaah Islamiyah 1993 Abu Bakar Baasyir
Kurdistan Workers' Party
  • People's Defence Forces
  • Free Women's Units
  • YDG-H
1978 Abdullah Öcalan
Lord's Resistance Army
  • Lord's Resistance Army insurgency
  • Central African Republic Civil War
1987 Joseph Kony [10]
 阿富汗 Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin None Afghanistan conflict 1975 Gulbuddin Hekmatyar [11][12]
Fidai Mahaz None 2013 Mullah Najibullah
National Resistance Front of Afghanistan None 2021 Ahmad Massoud
Warriors of Khazaristan None 2021 [13]
 安哥拉 Republic of Cabinda FLEC Cabinda War 1975 António Bento Bembe
 布基纳法索 Ansar ul Islam None Insurgency in the Maghreb 2016 Abdoul Salam Dicko
 喀麦隆 Template:Country data Ambazonia List of Ambazonian militant groups Anglophone Crisis 2017 Samuel Ikome Sako
 中非 中非共和国 Coalition of Patriots for Change
  • Anti-balaka
  • Central African Patriotic Movement
  • Popular Front for the Rebirth of Central African Republic
  • Return, Reclamation, Rehabilitation
  • Union for Peace in the Central African Republic
Central African Republic Civil War 2020 François Bozizé (alleged)
Movement of Central African Liberators for Justice None 2008 Toumou Deya Gilbert
 智利 Coordinadora Arauco-Malleco Lafkenche Mapuche Resistance[14] Mapuche conflict 1998 Héctor Llaitul
Weichán Auka Mapu None 2011 Collective leadership
 中国 East Turkestan Islamic Movement None Xinjiang conflict 1988 Abdullah Mansour
 哥伦比亚 Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia None 2001 Dario Antonio Úsuga
Indigenous Revolutionary Armed Forces of the Pacific None
National Liberation Army (ELN) None 1964 Antonio Garcia [15]
Popular Liberation Army (EPL) None 1967
FARC dissidents None 2016 Gentil "Cabuyo" Duarte
 刚果民主共和国 Bundu dia Kongo (BDK) None
  • Katanga insurgency
  • Ituri conflict
  • Kivu conflict
  • Kamwina Nsapu rebellion
1986 Ne Muanda Nsemi
CODECO None 1970s
Coordination for a Referendum on Self-determination for Katanga (CORAK) None
Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) None 2000
Kamwina Nsapu militia None
Mai-Mai None 1960s
Mai Mai Kata Katanga None 2011
Mai Mai Gédéon None
Mai Mai Sheka None
Mai-Mai Simba None
Mai Mai Yakutumba None
March 27 Movement (M27) None
National Coalition of the People for the Sovereignty of Congo None 2017 William Yakutumba
Nationalist and Integrationist Front (FNI) None 2005 Peter Karim Udaga
Nyatura None
Patriotic Resistance Front of Ituri (FRPI) None 2002 Cobra Matata
Popular Front for Justice in the Congo (FPJC) None 2008 David Mbadu
Progressive Katanga Congress (CPK) None
Raia Mutomboki None 2005 Isaac Chirambiza
RUD-Urunana None
Union of Congolese Patriots (UPC) None 2001 Bosco Ntaganda
 埃及 Al Furqan Brigades None
  • Insurgency in Egypt
  • Sinai insurgency
Ansar al-Sharia None 2012 Ahmed Ashush
Egyptian Islamic Jihad None 1979 Sayyed Imam Al-Sharif
Hasm Movement None 2015
Soldiers of Egypt None 2013
 埃塞俄比亚 Agew Liberation Front Tigray War 2021
Ethiopian People's Patriotic Front None 1998
Ogaden National Liberation Front None Insurgency in Ogaden 1984
Oromo Liberation Army Oromo conflict 2020 Kumsa Diriba
Sidama Liberation Front None 1999
Tigray People's Liberation Front Tigray Defense Forces Tigray War 1975 Debretsion Gebremichael
 法国 区域葡萄酒行动委员会 None 1907
 希腊 Black Star None
Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei None 2008
Popular Fighters Group None 2013
Revolutionary Struggle None 2003
Sect of Revolutionaries None 2009
 印度 Hizbul Mujahideen None Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir 1989 Sayeed Salahudeen [16][17]
Jaish-e-Mohammed None 2000 Masood Azhar [18]
Lashkar-e-Taiba None 1986 Hafiz Muhammad Saeed [19]
United Jihad Council None 1994
National Socialist Council of Nagaland None Insurgency in Northeast India 1980 Thuingaleng Muivah
United Liberation Front of Asom None 1979 [20]
Communist Party of India (Maoist) None Naxalite–Maoist insurgency 2004 Nambala Keshava Rao [21]
Maoist Communist Party of Manipur None 2011
International Sikh Youth Federation None 1987 Lakhbir Singh Rode [22]
Khalistan Zindabad Force None 1988 Ranjit Singh Neeta [15]
Students' Islamic Movement of India None 1977 [23]
 印度尼西亚 East Indonesia Mujahideen (MIT) None 2010 Ali Kalora
Free Papua Movement None Papua conflict 1963 Mathias Wenda
Jamaah Ansharusy Syariah (JAS) None
Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) None
Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (JAT) None 2008 Abu Bakar Ba'asyir
Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) None 1993 [24]
South Moluccas None 1950
 伊朗 Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan None Western Iran clashes 1945 Mustafa Hijri
Komala Party of Iranian Kurdistan None 2000 Abdullah Mohtadi
Kurdistan Freedom Party None 1991 Hussein Yazdanpanah
Kurdistan Free Life Party None
  • Western Iran clashes
  • Iran–PJAK conflict
2004 Abdul Rahman Haji Ahmadi
Jaish ul-Adl None Insurgency in Balochistan 2012 Salahuddin Farooqui
Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahvaz None Khuzestan conflict 2005 Habib Jabor / Saddam Hattem
Communist Party of Iran (Marxist–Leninist–Maoist) None 2001
People's Mujahedin of Iran None 1965 Maryam Rajavi
 伊拉克 Army of the Men of the Naqshbandi Order None Insurgency in Iraq 2006 Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri
Supreme Command for Jihad and Liberation None 2007
General Military Council for Iraqi Revolutionaries None 2014
Islamic Army in Iraq None 2003 Ishmael Jubouri
 爱尔兰 Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA) None Dissident Irish republican campaign 1994 Continuity Army Council
Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA) None 1997 Army Council
 意大利 Informal Anarchist Federation None 2003
 利比亚 Brigade 93 None Libyan Crisis (2011–present) 2012 Salem al-Aawar
Green Resistance None 2014
Rafallah al-Sahati Brigade None
Shura Council of Benghazi Revolutionaries
  • Ansar al-Sharia
  • February 17th Martyrs Brigade
  • Libya Shield 1
2014 Mustafa al-Sharksi
Toubou Front for the Salvation of Libya None 2007 Issa Abdel Majid Mansur
利比亚 Zintan Brigades None 2011 Kalifah Shahub
 马里 Ansar al-Sharia None Mali War 2012
阿扎瓦德 National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad None 2011 Bilal Ag Acherif [25]
 墨西哥 Popular Revolutionary Army None 1996 Edmundo Reyes [26]
Zapatista Army of National Liberation None Chiapas conflict 1983 [27]
 莫桑比克 Ansar al-Sunna None Insurgency in Cabo Delgado 2015
 缅甸 All Burma Students' Democratic Front (ABSDF) None Internal conflict in Myanmar 1988 Than Khae
DKBA-5 None 2010 Saw Mo Shay [28]
Shan State Army - South (SSA-S) None 1996 Yawd Serk [29]
United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC)
  • Arakan Army (AA)
  • Arakan Liberation Army (ALA/ALP)
  • Chin National Front (CNF)
  • Kachin Independence Organisation (KIO/KIA)
  • Karen National Union (KNU)
  • Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP)
  • Lahu Democratic Union (LDU)
  • New Mon State Party (NMSP)
  • Pa-O National Liberation Army (PNLA)
  • Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF)
  • Shan State Army - North (SSA-N/SSPP)
  • Wa National Organisation (WNO)
2011 Nai Hong Sar [30][31]
United Wa State Army None 1989 Bao Youxiang
 尼日利亚 Indigenous People of Biafra Eastern Security Network Insurgency in Southeastern Nigeria 2012 Nnamdi Kanu
Adaka Biafra Marine Commandos None Conflict in the Niger Delta [32]
Asawana Deadly Force of Niger Delta (ADFND) None [33]
Biafra Avengers None [34]
Joint Niger Delta Liberation Force None [35]
Joint Revolutionary Council of the Joint Niger Delta Liberation Force (JNDLF) None [36]
Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta None 2004 Henry Okah
Niger Delta Avengers None 2016 [37]
Niger Delta People's Volunteer Force None 2004
Niger Delta Red Squad None [38]
Red Egbesu Water Lions None [39]
Red Scorpion None [40]
Utorogun Liberation Movement (ULM) None [41]
Ultimate Warriors of Niger Delta None [42]
Ansaru None Islamist insurgency in Nigeria 2012
Fulani herdsmen None Herder–farmer conflicts in Nigeria 1999 [43]
 巴基斯坦 Baloch Republican Army None Insurgency in Balochistan 2007 Brahumdagh Bugti [44]
Balochistan Liberation Army None 2000 Hyrbyair Marri
Jaish ul-Adl None 2012 Salahuddin Farooqui
Lashkar-e-Islam None Insurgency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 2004 Mangal Bagh [45]
  • Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi
  • Fedayeen al-Islam
2007 Noor Wali Mehsud [46][47][48]
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi None 1996
Lashkar-e-Omar None 2002 Qari Abdul Hai [49]
Sipah-e-Sahaba None 1985 Muhammad Ahmed Ludhianvi
 巴勒斯坦 Army of Islam None 2006 Mumtaz Dughmush
Hamas Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades 1987 Ismail Haniyeh
Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine Al-Quds Squads 1987 Ziyad al-Nakhalah / Abd Al Aziz Awda
Popular Resistance Committees Abu Samhadana clan 2000 Ayman al-Shashniya
 巴拉圭 Armed Peasant Association (ACA) None Insurgency in Paraguay 2014
Army of Marshal López (Ejército del Mariscal López, EML) None
Paraguayan People's Army (EPP) None 2006 Osvaldo Villalba
 秘鲁 Shining Path None Internal conflict in Peru 1960s Abimael Guzmán
 菲律宾 Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters None Civil conflict in the Philippines 2008 Ustadz Karialan
Communist Party of the Philippines New People's Army 1968 Benito Tiamzon [50]
Rajah Sulaiman Movement None 1991 Ahmed Santos [51][52]
 塞内加尔 卡萨芒斯 Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance None Casamance conflict 1982
 南苏丹 Nuer White Army None Ethnic violence in South Sudan 1991 Bordoang Leah
南苏丹 South Sudan Democratic Movement None 2010 John Uliny
South Sudan Liberation Movement None 1999 Peter Gadet
Sudan People's Liberation Movement-in-Opposition None 2013 Riek Machar
 苏丹 Alliance of Revolutionary Forces of West Sudan None War in Darfur 2006
Liberation and Justice Movement None 2010 Tijani Sese
National Movement for Reform and Development None 2004 Khalil Abdallah
National Redemption Front None 2006 Ahmed Diraige
Sudanese Awakening Revolutionary Council None 2014 Musa Hilal
Sudan Revolutionary Front
  • Justice and Equality Movement
  • Sudan Liberation Movement/Army
  • Sudanese conflict in South Kordofan and Blue Nile
  • War in Darfur
2011 Abdelaziz al-Hilu / Abdul Wahid al Nur / Gibril Ibrahim / Minni Minnawi
Eastern Front None 2004 Musa Mohamed Ahmed
Rashaida Free Lions None 1999 Mabrouk Mubarak Salim
 叙利亚 Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria
  • Army of Revolutionaries
  • Asayish
  • People's Protection Units
  • Kurdish Front
  • Liwa Thuwar al-Raqqa
  • Sutoro
  • Syriac Military Council
  • Women's Protection Units
Syrian civil war 2013 Îlham Ehmed / Mansur Selum
Revolutionary Commando Army None 2016 Muthanna Tala
Syrian Interim Government
  • 1st Coastal Division
  • 13th Division
  • 21st Combined Force
  • Ahrar al-Sham
  • Authenticity and Development Front
  • Fastaqim Union
  • Forces of Martyr Ahmad al-Abdo
  • Free Idlib Army
  • Jabhat Thuwar Saraqib
  • Levant Front
  • Lions of the East Army
  • Liwa Ahrar Souriya
  • Mountain Hawks Brigade
  • National Front for Liberation
  • Northern Division
  • Sham Legion
  • Sham Liberation Army
  • Suqour al-Sham Brigades
  • Syrian Liberation Front
  • Syrian National Army
  • Syrian Turkmen Brigades
2013 Anas al-Abdah
Syrian Salvation Government
  • Al-Fatah al-Mubin
  • Jaysh al-Izza
  • Tahrir al-Sham
2017 Ali Keda [53]
 泰国 Barisan Revolusi Nasional None South Thailand insurgency 1963
Gerakan Mujahidin Islam Patani None 1995 Nasoree Saesang
Islamic Liberation Front of Patani None 1947 Tengku Mahmud Mahyiddin / Tengku Abdul Jalal
Patani United Liberation Organisation None 1968
Runda Kumpulan Kecil None 2000 Rorhing Ahsong
 突尼斯 Ansar al-Sharia None Insurgency in the Maghreb 2011
Okba Ibn Nafaa Brigade None
 土耳其 Civil Protection Units None Kurdish–Turkish conflict 2015
Islamic Party of Kurdistan None 1979 Muhammad Salih Mustafa
Kurdistan Communities Union None 2005 Abdullah Öcalan
Kurdistan Freedom Hawks None 2004
Turkish Hezbollah None 1983 İsa Altsoy
Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist–Leninist (Maoist Party Centre) None Maoist insurgency in Turkey 1987
Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front None 1970
Peoples' United Revolutionary Movement
  • Communist Labour Party of Turkey/Leninist
  • Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist–Leninist
  • Kurdistan Workers' Party
  • Maoist Communist Party
  • Marxist–Leninist Communist Party
  • Marxist–Leninist Armed Propaganda Unit
  • Kurdish–Turkish conflict
  • Maoist insurgency in Turkey
Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front None
  • DHKP/C insurgency in Turkey
  • Maoist insurgency in Turkey
Turkish Islamic Jihad None
 乌干达 Uganda Coalition for Change (UCFC) None 2021 [54]
 英国 Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA) None Dissident Irish republican campaign 1994 Continuity Army Council
Irish Republican Liberation Army None 2008
Orange Volunteers None 1998
Red Hand Defenders None 1998
Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA) None 1997 Army Council
Real Ulster Freedom Fighters None 2007
 也门 Houthi movement Supreme Political Council
  • Yemeni Civil War (2014–present)
  • Yemeni Crisis (2011–present)
1994 Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi
也门民主人民共和国 Southern Movement Southern Transitional Council 2007 Aidarus al-Zoubaidi


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