三元论 (神学)
以下许多神学家都见于路易·伯克富(Louis Berkhof)的《系统神学》、[1] 史特朗(Augustus H. Strong)的《系统神学》、[2] 简·雅各布·范·奥斯特兹(Jan Jacob van Oosterzee)的《基督教教义》(Christian Dogmatics)、[3] 约翰·比克福德·赫德(John Bickford Heard)的《人的三重性》(Tripartite Nature of Man),[4]和亨利·德·吕巴克(Henri de Lubac)的《历史与精神》。[5]。
姓名 | 出生 | 逝世 | 神学传统 | 主要著作 | 引用者 |
游斯丁(Justin Martyr) | 100 | 165 | 早期基督教护教士 | 《论复活》(On the Resurrection)[6] | 奥斯特兹、赫德 |
他提安(Tatian) | 120 | 180 | 早期基督教护教士 | 《致希腊人书》(Tatian's Address to the Greeks)[7] | 奥斯特兹《早期基督教信仰词典》[8] |
革利免(Clement of Alexandria) | 150 | 215 | 教父 | 伯克富 | |
墨利托(Melito) | ? | 180 | 撒狄主教 | 奥斯特兹 | |
希坡律陀(Hippolytus of Rome) | 170 | 235 | 罗马教会长老 | 但以理书注解第2册,第38页 | 吕巴克 |
俄利根(Origen) | 184 | 253 | 教父 | 《论基要教理》(De Principiis) Book 2,关于魂[9] | 奥斯特兹、伯克富、吕巴克[10] |
爱任纽(Irenaeus) | 2世纪 | 202 | 教父 | 《驳异端》(Against Heresies)[11] | 奥斯特兹 |
该撒利亚的优西比乌(Eusebius) | 260/265 | 339/340 | 罗马历史学家、凯撒利亚主教 | 诗篇102篇20节注解[12] | 吕巴克 |
亚波里拿留(Apollinarius) | ? | 390 | 叙利亚老底嘉主教 | 伯克富 | |
狄迪莫斯(Didymus of Alexandria) | 313 | 398 | 科普特教会神学家 | 传道者注解;[13]诗篇注解[14] | 理查德·阿莱顿[15] 吕巴克 |
该撒利亚的巴西流(Basil of Caesarea) | 329 | 379 | 教父 | Homily 21[16] | 吕巴克 |
圣额我略·纳齐安(Gregory of Nazianzus) | 329 | 389/390 | 教父、君士坦丁堡大主教 | Poems, bk. 1, sec. 1, 8 (On the Soul)[17] | 吕巴克 |
尼撒的贵格利(Gregory of Nyssa) | 335 | 395 | 教父 | On the Making of Man 8.4–6[18] | 伯克富 |
大马士革的圣约翰(John of Damascus) | 645/676 | 749 | 东正教 | 史特朗 | |
若望·克利马古(John Climacus) | 7世纪 | ? | 7世纪修士 | 《乐园阶梯》(Scala Paradisi,The Ladder of Divine Ascent)[19] | |
马丁·路德(Martin Luther) | 1483 | 1546 | 德国宗教改革领袖 | Commentary on the Magnificat[20] | Delitzsch |
托马斯·杰克逊(Thomas Jackson) | 1579 | 1640 | 英国神学家, Arminian | ||
托马斯·怀特(Thomas White) | 1593 | 1676 | 罗马天主教神父、学者 | ||
陶德瑞(Philip Doddridge) | 1702 | 1751 | 英国非国教徒领袖 | A Paraphrase and Notes on the First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians[21] | |
Magnus Friedrich Roos | 1727 | 1803 | German Lutheran theologian | Outlines of Psychology drawn from the Holy Scriptures | 伯克富 |
Seraphim of Sarov | 1754 | 1833 | Russian Orthodox Theologian | St. Seraphim of Sarov's Conversation with Nicholas Motovilov | |
Adam Clarke | 1762 | 1832 | British Methodist theologian | Clarke's Commentary on the Bible | |
Gotthilf Heinrich von Schubert | 1780 | 1860 | German Theologian | 奥斯特兹 | |
Karl Friedrich Goschel | 1784 | 1861 | Prussian Right Hegelian | Herzog, Realencyclopadie, article "Seele" | 史特朗 |
August Neander | 1789 | 1850 | German theologian and church historian | History of the Planting and Training of the Christian Church by the Apostles[22] | 史特朗 |
Hermann Olshausen | 1796 | 1839 | German theologian | Opuscula Theologica[23] and Commentary on 1 Thes. 5:23 | 史特朗、伯克富 |
Leonhard Usteri | 1799 | 1833 | Swiss Reformed theologian | Entwickelung Des Paulinischen Lehrbegriffes[24] | 史特朗 |
August Friedrich Christian Vilmar | 1800 | 1868 | German Neo-Lutheran theologian | Dogmatik: Akademische Vorlesungen | G. C. Berkouwer[25] |
Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer | 1800 | 1873 | German Protestant theologian | Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament[26] | |
Johann Tobias Beck | 1804 | 1878 | German theologian | Outlines of Biblical Psychology[27] | 史特朗、伯克富 |
亨利·阿福德(Henry Alford) | 1810 | 1871 | 英国圣公会神学家、圣经学者 | New Testament for English Readers[28] | |
Frederic Charles Cook | 1810 | 1889 | English churchman and linguist | The Speaker's Commentary[29] | |
Johann Gottfried Hausmann | 1811 | 1901 | |||
Gustav Friedrich Oehler | 1812 | 1872 | German Lutheran theologian | Theology of the Old Testament | 伯克富 |
索伦·奥贝·克尔凯郭尔(Søren Kierkegaard) | 1813 | 1855 | 丹麦路德宗 | The Concept of Anxiety, 《致死的疾病》(The Sickness Unto Death), or De omnibus dubitandum est. A Narrative | |
Franz Delitzsch | 1813 | 1890 | German Lutheran theologian | Biblical Psychology | 伯克富 |
威廉·史密斯(William Smith) | 1813 | 1893 | English Lexicographer | Smith's Bible Dictionary[30] | |
Theophan the Recluse | 1815 | 1894 | Russian Orthodox Theologian | The Spiritual Life | |
简·雅各布·范·奥斯特兹(Jan Jacob van Oosterzee) | 1817 | 1882 | 荷兰 | 《基督教教义》(Christian Dogmatics) | 史特朗 |
Charles John Ellicott | 1819 | 1905 | Anglican theologian | Destiny of the Creature[31] | 史特朗 |
A. R. Fausset | 1821 | 1910 | Anglican theologian | Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary[32] | |
Karl August Auberlen | 1824 | 1864 | German Lutheran theologian | Geist des Menschen im Biblischen Sinne | 史特朗、伯克富 |
George Boardman the Younger | 1828 | 1903 | Baptist | "The Scriptural Anthropology." Baptist Quarterly Vol. 1[33] | 史特朗 |
慕安德烈(Andrew Murray) | 1828 | 1917 | 南非荷兰归正会 | 《基督的灵》(The Spirit of Christ)[34] | |
约翰·比克福德·赫德(John Bickford Heard) | 1828 | ? | 《人的三重性》(Tripartite Nature of Man)[35] | 史特朗、伯克富 | |
Henry Liddon | 1829 | 1890 | English Theologian | John Laidlaw[36] | |
Hermann Cremer | 1834 | 1903 | German Protestant theologian | Biblico-theological Lexicon of New Testament Greek[37] | 史特朗 |
司可福(C. I. Scofield) | 1843 | 1921 | 美国神学家 | 《司可福串注圣经》(Scofield Reference Bible)[38] | |
乔治·彭伯(G. H. Pember) | 1837 | 1910 | 普利茅斯弟兄会解经家 | 《地的最早时期》(Earth's Earliest Ages)[39] | |
Otto Stockmayer | 1838 | 1917 | German Holiness Movement | 倪柝声《属灵人》 | |
弗雷德里克·迈尔(F. B. Meyer) | 1847 | 1929 | 英国浸信会牧师 | 倪柝声《属灵人》 & Latent Power of the Soul | |
James M Stalker | 1848 | 1929 | Scottish preacher | Christian Psychology[40] | |
Clarence Larkin | 1850 | 1924 | Protestant (Baptist) | Dispensational Truth or God's Plan and Purpose in the Ages[41] | |
宾路易师母(Jessie Penn-Lewis) | 1861 | 1927 | 更正教(Welsh) | 《魂与灵》(Soul and Spirit)、《众圣徒的争战》(War on The Saints) | |
麦敦诺师母(Mary E. McDonough) | 1863 | 1962 | 《神救赎的计划》(God's Plan of Redemption)[42] | ||
Lewis Sperry Chafer | 1871 | 1952 | 美国更正教神学家 | Systematic Theology Vol. 1&2[43] | Gordon R. Lewis and Bruce A. Demarest in Integrative Theology[44] |
George H. Lang | 1874 | 1958 | 普利茅斯弟兄会 | Firstfruits and Harvest[45] | |
伊凡·罗伯斯 | 1878 | 1951 | 威尔士 Calvinist Methodist | 《众圣徒的争战》(War on The Saints)[46] | |
Robert Lightfoot | 1883 | 1953 | 圣公会牧师、神学家 | John Laidlaw[47] | |
William Theodore Heard | 1884 | 1973 | 罗马天主教枢机主教 | ||
Arthur W. Pink | 1886 | 1952 | Reformed | The Great Change, Regeneration, Or, The New Birth,[48] Gleanings in Genesis[49] | |
Herbert Lockyer | 1886 | 1984 | All the Doctrines of the Bible[50] | 约翰伍德沃德 | |
史百克(Theodore Austin-Sparks) | 1888 | 1971 | 英国基督教传道人 | What is Man? | 约翰伍德沃德 |
安汝慈(Ruth Paxson) | 1889 | 1949 | 新教 | 《最高的生命》(Life on the Highest Plane)[51] | |
倪柝声 | 1903 | 1972 | 中国基督徒领袖 | 《属灵人》(The Spiritual Man)、《人的破碎与灵的出来》(The Release of the Spirit) | |
George S. Hendry | 1904 | 1993 | Reformed Theologian | The Holy Spirit in Christian Theology[52] | |
李常受 | 1905 | 1997 | 中国基督徒领袖 | 《生命的认识》(The Knowledge of Life)、《神的经纶》(The Economy of God)、《那灵同我们的灵》(The Spirit with Our Spirit) | |
E.C.Bragg | 1912 | 1995 | 美国福音派神学家 | ||
Lehman Strauss | ? | 1997 | 浸信会 | 《三部分的人:灵、魂、体》(Man A Trinity:Spirit, Soul, Body) | |
Mark G Cambron | 1911 | 2000 | Bible Doctrines[53] | 约翰伍德沃德 | |
Lester Sumrall | 1913 | 1996 | American Pentecostal pastor and evangelist | 《灵、魂与体》(Spirit, Soul and Body)[54] | |
S. Lewis Johnson Jr. | 1915 | 2004 | 美国长老会神学家 | Man and his Nature, part 1[55] | |
Gleason Archer | 1916 | 2004 | 美国神学家 | Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties[56] | |
P. B. Fitzwater | ? | ? | Christian Theology A Systematic Presentation[57] | 约翰伍德沃德 |
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