Habitat Suitability and the Distribution of Halophytes across a Salt MarshTidal Gradient. Journal of Ecology 88(4): 608-621. 维基共享资源上的相关多媒体资源:鹽鹼灘 Friends
Matthew L.; Murray, A. Brad. A coupled geomorphic and ecological model of tidalmarsh evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2007-04-10
Clara Valley Water District)報告,胡克斯島被描述成一處「未受干擾的潮汐鹽沼」(undisturbed tidal salt marsh),部分區域由「河口潮間帶的新興濕地」(estuarine intertidal emergent wetland)組成。該島最北端座標為37°27′31″N