1989. ISBN 978-0-688-06661-1. 含有內容需登入查看的頁面 (link) Murphy, John M. "CivicRepublicanism in the Modern Age: Adlai Stevenson in the 1952 Presidential Campaign
order or ranking of a country’s government, military, and, in some cases, civic leaders for diplomatic, ceremonial, and social events, at home and abroad
Election Summary Report (PDF). 素里市政府. [2025-01-05]. Fern Miller. Vancouver Civic Political Parties: Developing a Model of Party-system Change and Stabilization
equity)所發出的命令來否決國王。 英國官方認為公國是國王的一部分,因而讓他們免除繳交公司稅,但公國在稅制的地位已經遭受部分英國共和派(英语:Republicanism in the United Kingdom)支持者的質疑。 康瓦爾公國的紋章構成如下: 中央盾徽本體:底色為黑貂色,15個銀幣盤(英语