Scout Options Expand. Aviation Week. 4 April 2010. [失效連結] EADS starts voluntary US Army flight demo of AAS-72X+ 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期1 February 2014.. Flightglobal
resolution body, the Financial Disputes Settlement Committee assumes a voluntary role in dispute mediation. However, when both parties to a dispute accept
θέλημα的音譯,意指人的意志)。其座右铭為「如你所愿」。同一時期的法國法學生拉波哀西則寫出《自願奴役論(英语:Discourse on Voluntary Servitude)》,於當中表達自身的觀點:暴政為人民自願服從之結果。要除暴政,人們就需要拒絕服從在其之上的威權。後來,法國的加布里埃尔·德·福尼(英语:Gabriel
1056/NEJMra1511480. Hyman, SE. The neurobiology of addiction: implications for voluntary control of behavior.. The American Journal of Bioethics. January 2007