Plastic Straws with Paper Straws Wrapped in Plastic?. Snopes. 2018-08-01 [2019-07-06]. Dessert franchise says no to plastic straws and spoons. The Star
《抓住稻草的野兽》(韓語:지푸라기라도 잡고 싶은 짐승들,英語:Beasts Clawing at Straws,香港译《籠子裡的野獸》,新加坡、台湾译《抓住救命稻草的野獸們》)是一部2020年上映的韩国惊悚犯罪电影,改编自日本小说家曽根圭介(日语:曽根圭介)创作的同名小说,由曾参与电影《伟大的族谱(朝鲜语:거룩한
Schroeder, Scared Snoopy Snoopy the Psychiatrist 短篇標題:Charlie Brown & Lucy, Kite, The Dance, Thiebault Lucy vs. the World 短篇標題:Straws, Lucy Baseball, Peppermint
Last Ship', 'The Leftovers' & More. TV by the Numbers. August 19, 2014 [August 19, 2014]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-03). (#410) "Drawing Straws". The Futon Critic
doi:10.1109/MIE.2014.2316044. In the section "A Last Word on Dragons" (亂龍篇 Luanlong) of the Lunheng: "Amber takes up straws, and a load-stone attracts needles"