《荒野中的黃昏》(Twilight in the Wilderness),1860年,克利夫蘭藝術博物館 《Oosisoak》, 1861 《熱帶雨季》(Rainy Season in the Tropics),1866年,舊金山藝術博物館 《尼加拉大瀑布,來自美國的一側》(Niagara Falls, from the American
1900. American Malacologists, FallsChurch, Virginia. Consolidated/Drake Press, Philadelphia. 494 pp. Obituary in The Auk, October 1914, Number 4. Appleton's
liturgy. The essence of the saving message for Luther was justification by faith alone, the article by which not only thechurch stands or falls but each