高合成数composite number(英语:Superior highly composite number) 高歐拉商數 因數表(英语:Table of divisors) 欧拉函数 Round number(英语:Round number) 光滑數 Kahane, Jean-Pierre, Bernoulli
古戈爾 "Roman"] 用Mathematica算出,代碼為:Total[Table[ Divisors[10^100][[n]], {n, 1, Length[Divisors[10^100]] - 1}]] accessdate:[2018-10-30],減一代表不包括最後一個元素,即自己本身
24appears that 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24 (the divisors >= 3 of 24) are also the only numbers n whose proper non-divisors k are prime numbers if k = d-1 and d divides
1Pollack, Paul; Pomerance, Carl, Some problems of Erdős on the sum-of-divisors function, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, 2016
高斯整數分解表-i\times \left(1+i\right)^{2}} 僅差一個負虛數單位倍,因此無須單獨列出。 高斯整數 素因子表 因數表(英语:Table of divisors) 整数分解 以x + iy的x為6、y為8為例, 6 + 8i高斯質因數分解為 {\displaystyle } − i × ( 1