1931年《禁忌(英语:Tabu: A Story of the South Seas)》(獲獎者為弗洛伊德·克罗斯比(英语:Floyd Crosby))是最後一部獲得最佳攝影獎的默片。1935年《仲夏夜之梦(英语:A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935 film))》的獲獎攝影師哈尔·莫尔(英语:Hal
1942–1943: From Guadalcanal to Bougainville—Pacific War Turning Point, Volume 2 (Amphibious Operations in the SouthPacific in WWII). BMC Publications. 2002. ISBN 0-9701678-7-3
(entertainer))表演《金粉世界》插曲“Gigi” 约翰·瑞特(英语:John Raitt)表演《一笑缘》插曲“A Certain Smile” 学院奖 电影艺术与科学学院 1958年电影 The 32nd Academy Awards (1960) Nominees and Winners. oscars.org. [2011-08-21]
advance were: Bismarck Convoy Smashed (Australian Department of Information Film Unit), Day of Battle (United States Office of War Information Domestic Motion