Bedworth Sharon Osbourne as Della Deane Mpho Koaho as Harry 'Horse' Horson Brooke D'Orsay as Breanna Bailey Genelle Williams as Tiffany Emily Hampshire as Chanel
University)教育、监督和管理硕士学位。1983年开始,她在新罕布什尔州康科德高中(英语:Concord High School (NewHampshire))担任社会研究教师。 1985年,她从11,000多名申请者中脱颖而出,参加了NASA太空教師計劃(英语:Teacher in Space
the Mafia, the Teamsters, and the Last Ride of Jimmy Hoffa. Hanover, NewHampshire: Steerforth Press. 2004. ISBN 978-1-58642-077-2. OCLC 54897800. Brandt