located as follows: The 619th Tactical ControlSquadron at Tan Son Nhut Air Base. The 620th Tactical ControlSquadron with responsibility from Pleiku to the
and the squadron prepared to train crews for the MRA.4, following the decision to scrap the MRA.4 the squadron disbanded in 2011. 51 Squadron – 1971–2011
1930年代的第二次改裝則比前次更加徹底。1923年到1924年,反擊號與胡德號戰鬥巡洋艦被分配到特勤分艦隊(Special Service Squadron),並一同繞行了世界一周。1936到1939年的西班牙內戰期間,反擊號被派去保護國際海上運輸。 第二次世界大戰的頭幾個月裡,反擊號的第一個任務是獵捕德國的突圍艦(Blockade
Regiment)(英语:Commando Logistic Regiment),駐紮於得文郡Chivenor(英语:Chivenor) 第539突擊中隊(539 Assault Squadron) 英國登陸部隊指揮支援群(英语:UK Landing Force Command Support Group)(UK Landing Force