尽管如此,大多数基督徒相信耶稣复活是事实,并且将拥有对耶稣复活的信仰作为成为一名基督徒的标志。 《约翰福音》第1章第48-49节 书籍 Trench, RichardChenevix(英语:RichardChenevixTrench), Notes on the miracles of our Lord, London : John
Rural Administration. Calcutta: Punthi Pustak. 1972. OCLC 695415. Trench, Charles Chenevix. A History of Horsemanship. London: Doubleday and Company. 1970
Albion. 1981, 13 (3): 262–275. JSTOR 4048850. doi:10.2307/4048850. Trench, Chenevix Charles. George II. Allen Lane, 1973 Turner, Michael J. Pitt the Younger: