在法律和立法程序中,废除(英語:repeal),通常是指由立法机关通过的移除或撤消相关法律的立法决定;废除的对象可包括但不限于立法机关之前通过的法令、成文法、法规等具有法律性质的文件。 立法机关做出的废除决定可以分为以重新颁布的方式废除旧法,即用更新的、修订的相关新法律取代旧法(英语:repeal with a
by this short title was authorised by section 1 of this Act. Due to the repeal of that provision, it is now authorised by section 19(2) of the Interpretation
referendum: Repeal the eighth campaign maintains lead as Irish are urged to come 'Home To Vote'. 2018-04-29 [2018-05-06]. (原始内容存档于2018-05-06). Repeal the Eighth: