politicians to the radical socialist Baathis.. struggle between ‘moderates’ and radicals was centred on the dispute whether to impose a radical left wing government
the angry millennials with a radical housing solution. The Guardian. 2017-10-02 [2018-08-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-07). The cause of our current shortage is
掌控可忽略衰老」最早則出現於老人学家奥布里·德格雷於1999年出版的《老化的粒線體自由基假說》(The Mitochondrial Free Radical Theory of Aging)一書中。德格雷將掌控可忽略衰老給定性為對老化科學「目標導向而非好奇心導向的嘗試,並將之定性為「將再生醫學擴展到老化領域中的努力」。
UK: Bloomsburry. 2022: 101. ISBN 978-1-3500-3209-5. Syria, headed by the radical leftist Baath Party overtly challenged Nasser's leadership credentials