for the bunny girl. 巴兹·奥尔德林:好,我们会密切关注那个兔女郎。 肯尼思·安格在1972年的电影兔子的月亮(英语:Rabbit'sMoon)即取材于此。 在中國探月工程中,嫦娥三号所携带的月球车被命名为“玉兔号”,嫦娥四号所携带的月球车被命名为“玉兔二号”。 马王堆一号汉墓帛画在月上绘有蟾蜍和玉兔(左上角)
banished to the Moon because she stole the pill of immortality from her husband. You might also look for her companion, a large Chinese rabbit, who is easy
Peep’s Troublesome Sheep Don’t Do That Kitty Kilroy What Shall We Do with the Boo-Hoo Baby There's No Such Thing as a Ghostie! Daddy on the moon Hiccup
Mary)》和《你可曾看過那場雨?(英语:Have You Ever Seen the Rain?)》以及《壞月亮升起(英语:Bad Moon Rising)》,還有當時被認為是反戰國歌的《幸運兒(英语:Fortunate Son)》。 樂團由主唱兼主音吉他手也是歌曲主要創作者的約翰·弗格蒂,和他的哥哥擔任節奏吉他手的Tom
11, 2007). It's scary in here... (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Interview – Retrieved on 2012-08-18. Hoad, Phil. How we made Moon – by Sam Rockwell