World Market, State, and Family Farm: Social Bases of Household Production in the Era of Wage Labour. Comparative Studies in Society and History. 1978, 20:
frais of production) 资本的有机构成(英语:Organic composition of capital) 生产性和非生产性劳动(英语:Productive and unproductive labour) 剩余价值 剩余产品 剩余劳动力(英语:Surplus labour) Karl
Hindess and Hirst (1977, page 65) [...] define means of production as 'all the conditions necessary to the operation of a particular labour process which
(Labor) Camp/us: Foxconn and China’s new generation of labour migrants.” positions (2015): 23(3):411-436. Jenny Chan, Pun Ngai and Mark Selden, “Interns