in Turkey) 土耳其養老金(英语:PensionsinTurkey) 土耳其供水和衛生設施(英语:Water supply and sanitation inTurkey) 土耳其大學 土耳其醫學教育 土耳其法學教育 土耳其高中(英语:List of high schools in Turkey)
third step is €23,031.28: 2023 intermediate update of the remuneration and pensions of the officials and other servants of the European Union and the correction
за заплати, здраве и пенсии [2018 Budget: More for salaries, health and pensions]. Kapital Daily. 2017-10-23 [2018-07-16]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-12) (保加利亚语).
code: exercising 'legitimate' power politics through the ruling parties inTurkey, Macedonia and Serbia. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies (Austrian