民间社会合作办公室(英语:OfficeforCooperationwithCivilSociety) 欧盟资产管理系统审计署 人权和少数族群权利办公室(塞尔维亚语:Канцеларија за људска и мањинска права) 科索沃和梅托希亚办公室(英语:Officefor Kosovo
Affairs;OLCA) 人权办公室(英语:Office for Civil Rights)(OfficeforCivil Rights;OCR) 教育科技办公室(英语:Office of Educational Technology) 教育情报办公室(英语:Office of Educational Intelligence)
Security Cooperationwith Bangladesh. United States Department of State. [2021-08-13]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-30) (英语). Second US Coast Guard cutter for Bangladesh
regulatory cooperationfor agriculture beyond that found in the WTO. This means that regulators in different TPP signatories have been engaging with each other