吳珊卓《實習醫生》 克莉絲汀娜·楊医生(英语:Cristina Yang) 主要角色(第1–10季) 2006 《Odd Job Jack (英语:Odd Job Jack )》 Vanessa 剧集:"Jack Ryder Gets Hitched", "My Big Miserable African Honeymoon"
威尔·阿奈特2004 《威爾與格蕾絲》 Artemis Johnson 單集:〈伴舞(英语:Back Up, Dancer)〉 2005 《零工傑克(英语:Odd Job Jack )》 Tiberius McKorkindale 配音;2集 《幻影丹尼》 Ghost Writer 配音;單集:〈The Fright Before
乔·拜登保险重新授权和创造就业法案(英语:Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010)》在内的立法,该法案解决了税收僵局;《2011年预算控制法案(英语:Budget Control Act
拉文·肯哲克罕努利[2016-06-24]. (原始内容存档于2016-07-06). Green, Chris. Jack Straw criticised for accepting part-time job paid for by Kazakhstan. The Independent. 2015-02-19
黑寡婦 (電影) backdrop of the splintered Soviet Empire—a lawless insane asylum with 400-some odd nuclear missile silos. It was all about loose nukes, and I felt it was very