主要用于生产表面活性剂、也用于抗氧剂、纺织印染助剂、润滑油添加剂、农药乳化剂、树脂改性剂、树脂及橡胶稳定剂等领域。 Record of Nonylphenol, mixed isomers in the GESTIS Substance Database from the IFA(英语:Institute
1-6 (1998): 143-50. Comparison of protein expression in plasma from nonylphenol and bisphenol A-exposed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and turbot (Scophthalmus
H., Satomi, M., Kimura, S. (2001). Sphingomonas cloacae sp. nov., a nonylphenol-degrading bacterium isolated from wastewater of a sewage-treatment plant