洛杉磯市政府(英語:Government of the City ofLosAngeles)是依據《洛杉磯市憲章》而成立的特許城市(英语:Charter city)政府,而非普通法城市(英语:General-law municipality)政府。 洛杉磯市民選政府(英语:List of elected officials
Downtown LosAngeles Art Walk, a California public benefit company (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Downtown LosAngelesneighborhood guide Downtown LosAngeles crime map
Department, Los Angeles County Fire Department, Burbank Police Department, and independent valley city departments. City ofLosAngelesneighborhood councils
published by Angels Walk LA, 2000 Chinatown LosAngeles California, Restaurants in Chinatown, Pictures of Chinatown. [October 25, 2010]. (原始内容存档于October