Today, some 70 of his paintings are missing, including: the large Picasso watercolor Naked Woman on the Beach, painted in Provence in 1923; seven works
II),以支援在阿富汗南部的荷蘭部隊,該次是Rafale的第一次攻擊任務,同年4月1日,1/7普羅旺斯戰鬥機中隊(英语:Escadron de Chasse 1/7 Provence)的Rafale B F2向赫爾曼德省的塔利班投擲GBU-12鋪路二式雷射導引炸彈(英语:GBU-12 Paveway II)。
Order of the Liberation – Chronology 1940–1945 European Resistance Archive – Video Interviews with Resistance Members Pierre Albert – The Journalism of the