、评论家。他是君主主义、反犹主义、反议会、反革命政治运动法兰西运动的组织者和首席哲学家。莫拉斯的思想极大地影响了国家天主教(英语:NationalCatholicism)和其他极右翼意识形态,是后来法西斯主义某些观点的前身。 Charles Maurras | French writer and political
article in an April 2004 issue of National Catholic Register maintains that the "The Da Vinci Code claims that Catholicism is a big, bloody, woman-hating
Council》(1916年) 《The Irish Question Again》(1919年) 《Nationalism and Catholicism》(1919年) 《National Instinct, the Basis of Social Institutions》(1926年) 《The Communion
Nineteenth-Century Germany (Oxford, 1993) Gross, Michael B. The War against Catholicism: Liberalism and the Anti-Catholic Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Germany