MacMahon-Losungsprogramm für Go-Turniere unter Benutzung von MaximumWeight Perfect Matching (PDF) (学位论文). Universität Hildesheim: 5. 1994-11-05 [2023-07-08]
. if then else是分段函数定义时的语法糖。与C语言不同,要求必须有else部分。类似于C语言分支语句的情形,叫做pattern matching,例子如下: pts :: Int -> Int pts 1 = 10 pts 2 = 6 pts x | x <= 6 = 7 - x | otherwise
drew criticism for its concept and the performances of its actors. Shake Weight – Infomercial clips of the modified dumbbell went viral as a result of the