美國州防衛隊Law Search. [2011-12-26]. (原始内容存档于2012-05-09). Title 37-B, §224: Maine State Guard . [2011-12-26]. (原始内容存档于2005-01-28). 存档副本. [2011-12-26]. (原始内容存档于2009-11-14)
汉尼巴尔·哈姆林(–1856) 配偶 Sarah Emery (1833年结婚—1855年丧偶) 艾倫·哈姆林(英语:Ellen Hamlin)(1856年结婚) 儿女 6 签名 军事背景 效忠 美国 服役 緬因州衛隊(英语:Maine State Guard ) 服役时间 1864年 军衔 下士 参战 南北战争
蒙托克角燈塔Atlantic Coast, St. Croix River, Maine to Shrewsbury River, New Jersey (PDF). Light List. United States Coast Guard . 2009: 8. Template:Cite uscghist
林書豪timed to coincide with the visit of Golden State rookie guard Jeremy Lin. Thompson II, Marcus. Golden State Warriors update: Stephen Curry eager to lose
2023年刘易斯顿枪击案Ruger SFAR during July in Maine , about 10 days before he had an encounter with New York State Police and his National Guard superiors that led to his