合法飲酒年齡設立合法飲酒年齡背後最廣為人知的原因是酒精會對青少年大腦產生長期影響(英语:Long -term impact of alcohol on the brain )。因此时大脑仍然在发育,酒精會影響記憶能力,對於長期思考能力也會產生負面作用。除此之外,酒精會導致酒精性肝病
喝酒的長期影響大量飲用乙醇(濫用酒精(英语:alcohol abuse))會引發嚴重的有害後果。與大量飲酒有關的健康影響(喝酒的長期影響(英語:Long -term effects of alcohol ))包括會導致在酗酒、營養不良、慢性胰臟炎(英语:chronic pancreatitis)、酒精性肝病(簡稱為A
苯二氮䓬类药物停药综合征MH; Stein, DJ; Swinson, RP; World Council Of , Anxiety. WCA recommendations for the long -term treatment of generalized anxiety disorder. CNS Spectrums
酒精與癌症Spina M, et al. The impact of tobacco smoking and alcohol drinking on survival of patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. International Journal of Cancer. April
假基因that has had a huge impact on the composition of the genome. For example, somewhere between 30–44% of the human genome consists of repetitive elements