美國受威脅哺乳動物列表(英语:List of threatened mammalsof the United States) 哺乳動物依數量排列列表(英语:Listsofmammalsbypopulation) 哺乳動物依區域排列列表(英语:Listsofmammalsby region) 21世纪描述的哺乳動物(英语:Mammals
(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). British Association of Nature Conservationists p. 30. Retrieved 14 July 2009. This source lists the UK's endemic species as being "14
drivers of those immediate causes of biotic destruction, namely, human overpopulation and continued population growth, and overconsumption, especially by the
Species of the World)仍将该亚种命名为“A. f. refulgens”。这一错误在随后更新的一些书籍中得以纠正,其中包括《中国哺乳动物指南》(A guide to the Mammalsof China)和《世界哺乳动物手册(卷一:食肉动物)》(Handbook of the Mammals