社会研究 Liam Lacey(英语:Liam Lacey) Roy MacGregor(英语:Roy MacGregor) LeahMcLaren(英语:LeahMcLaren) Elizabeth Renzetti(英语:Elizabeth Renzetti) Neil Reynolds(英语:Neil
mugged and Mclaren watch stolen after Euro 2020 final. BBC Sport. [2021-07-13]. (原始内容存档于2021-07-13). Norris 'unharmed but shaken' say McLaren, after he
Positive. Variety. 2019-03-28 [2021-09-12]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-12). Greenblatt, Leah. False Positive review: Hulu's body horror is a sleek, strange misfire. Entertainment
Dreyer)创作。 143是一个流行的表达“I love you”(英文的“我爱你”)的傳呼機数字,这一表达取自“I love you”每个单词的字母数。 McLaren, Bonnie. Katy Perry's comeback single Woman's World falters in charts.
Industrial Complex. Steven Best; Richard Kahn; Anthony J. Nocella II; Peter McLaren (编). The Global Industrial Complex: Systems of Domination. Rowman & Littlefield