Lisa Fischer, Tata Vega和JudithHill等伴唱女歌手的故事,他们曾为20世纪最著名的流行歌手们当绿叶,并见证了流行音乐史。獲選第85屆國家評論協會獎五佳紀錄片,並获得第86届奥斯卡金像奖最佳纪录片。 達琳·洛芙 JudithHill Merry Clayton Lisa Fischer
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Comprehensive Study Guide, 6th Edition: By Judith Tintinalli, Gabor Kelen, and J. Stapczynski, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2003, 2,016 pages, $175
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(Jentink, 1890) Hypsugo. ITIS. [2021-06-17]. Görföl, Tamás, Gábor Csorba, Judith L. Eger, Nguyen T. Son & C. M. Francis. 2014. Canines make the Difference: