的現址,建築的設計者是理查·阿里森(Richard Allison)和約翰·哈頓·馬卡姆(John Hatton Markham)。 F. H. W. Sheppard (ed.), Jermyn Street, Survey of London: volumes 29 and 30: St James
建輕鐵實施交通管制. www.mingpaocanada.com. 明報加拿大. [2022-01-23]. City of Markham. History of MarkhamStreet Names 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期December 18, 2010,.. Accessed on February
using Highway 7, Yonge Street, Dufferin Street, and Steeles Avenue as boundaries.. [2022-06-25]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05). Markham's side Thornhill population
of Highway 407, running from McCowan Rd. to Markham Rd., opened Thursday to howls of protest from Markham residents. |section=被忽略 (帮助) History. 407 ETR
Federal infrastructure money resurfaced Steeles Ave. from Yonge St., to Markham Rd., which is now the Best Road in Ontario.. The Star (Toronto). 2010-10-28