后英式摇滚形式發行(原於去年發行)《莞爾一笑》(Smile),並在當時登上了英國單曲榜的第二十五名。含有該歌的專輯《這無所謂了(英语:It Doesn't Matter Anymore)》進入專輯榜的前十名,卻沒能繼續表現,錯失揚名國際的良機。同樣從格拉斯哥出身的特拉维斯是後英式搖滾第一批受到關注的樂團之一
最终幻想Xdoes it matter as long as she's safe?! / Rikku: That's right! Anyway, I will take you there if you promise that you won't tell anyone about it. Square
1959年加拿大冠军单曲列表song))〉 弗兰基·阿瓦隆(英语:Frankie Avalon) 3月23日 3月30日 〈It Doesn't Matter Anymore(英语:It Doesn't Matter Anymore)〉 巴迪·霍利 4月6日 〈Come Softly to Me(英语:Come Softly to
MEGAwith the smallest, most unreliable [hosting] companies. It doesn't matter because they can't do anything with that data.)”。 MEGA上线后的头几个星期,曾发现各种安全问题,研
单数theyleft their umbrella in the office. Would they please collect it." "If a person doesn't want to go on living, they are often very difficult to help."