Thomas; Jeffery, Keith. A Military History ofIreland. Cambridge UP. 1997. Bradshaw, Brendan. And so began the Irish Nation: Nationality, National Consciousness
在此之前,两国政府就曾预告英女王访问会在未来成行,这份公告也因而受到高度关注。而早在2009年,英国驻爱尔兰大使(英语:List of Ambassadors from the United Kingdom to Ireland)就预言访问“势在必行”。 早在1911年7月8日至12日,乔治五世就对爱尔兰展开访问,当时爱尔兰仍
in the peerage ofIreland and first Viscount Gort in the peerage of the United Kingdom (1886–1946), army officer. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography