新山一空軍基地F-102, a supersonic, high altitude fighter interceptor designed to intercept Soviet bombers was given the mission of intercepting,identifying and, if necessary
ML语言 (a , b) = let val m = if (b = 0) then 0 else if (a >= 0) then a div b else ~a div b val n = if (b = 0) then 1 else if (a >= 0) then a mod b else ~a mod
LISPsearched. Finally, if no binding was found, an error was signaled. When a combination was encountered, the function position was evaluated differently
Scheme most recent value of the free variable. Such a search may be quite deep and slow if the free variable was bond vary far up in the stack. However, this
Smalltalkif True:、if False:、if True:if False:和if False:if True:方法。比如向一个布尔对象,发送if True:消息,并传递一个代码块作为实际参数,这个块被执行当且仅当布尔接收者为真。下面用一个例子来展示: result := a > b if True: [