"Irish Republican Army" is intended by the British government to "embrace all emanations, manifestations and representations of the IRA, whatever their
效時,它已經與愛爾蘭的現實脫節。民族派長期以來所要求的自治,已經轉變為要求愛爾蘭的完全獨立。愛爾蘭共和軍(Irish Republican Army,簡稱IRA)開始發動對抗英國統治的愛爾蘭獨立戰爭。 La cita es: 10 & 11 Geo. 5 c. 67. GOVERNMENT OF IRELAND
Gillespie (ISBN 978-0-8108-5583-0), page 250 Taylor, Peter, Behind the mask: The IRA and Sinn Féin, Chapter 21: Stalemate, pp. 246–261. Malcolm Sutton's Index