pauciporus),根据标本AMNH 5692(三节部分颈椎)所建立。正模标本发现于新墨西哥圣胡安盆地(英语:San Juan Basin)晚白垩世狐狸山组(英语:FoxHillsFormation)。威尔斯(1962年)因正模标本过于破碎而将覆虾龙视为疑名。 蛇颈龙列表 蛇颈龙类研究历史(英语:Timeline of plesiosaur
E.D. On some extinct reptiles and Batrachia from the Judith River and FoxHills Beds of Montana. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
393–420. doi:10.1127/njgpa/229/2003/393. Wilson R. W. Late Cretaceous (FoxHills) multituberculates from the Red Owl local fauna of western South Dakota