截至2024年11月,有4位前任以色列总理在世,分別是(根据任期先後排列): 最近1位去世的前任总理为希蒙·佩雷斯(任期:1977年、1984年-1986年、1995年-1996年),于2016年9月28日去世,享壽93岁。 Flags of the Israel Defense Forces 以色列總統列表
Communiqué issued at the Conclusion of the Fourteenth Meeting of the Council for Foreign and Community Relatiofns. Governmentof Trinidad and Tobago. 2011-05-06
[2009-10-30]. Fourteenth Amendment. Some argue that it is detrimental to the cause of freedom because it expands the power of the federal government. Others
ISBN 9789004207424. Therefore, many of these scholars follow Ibn Taymiyya'sfatwa from the beginning of the fourteenth century that declared the Druzes and
Raoul Berger. Government by Judiciary: The Transformation of the Fourteenth Amendment - Online Library of Liberty. Online Library of Liberty. [2019-10-04]