歐幾里得數 consider any finite set of primes (not necessarily the first n primes; e.g. it could have been the set {3, 11, 47}), and then went on
質數階乘質數 consider any finite set of primes (not necessarily the first n primes; e.g. it could have been the set {3, 11, 47}), and then went on
朱昂语 影响,因此词根的语法功能只能通过其与特定时态标记的共现来确定。例如: pag- Set 我“打破” -Set II 变得被打破 rag- Set 我“撕” - Set II 被撕碎 guj- Set 我“洗” - Set II 被洗 朱昂语用奥里亚文书写。 Statement 1: Abstract
超限数ordinal number)。术语「超限」(transfinite)是康托尔提出的,他希望避免词语无限(infinite)和那些只不过不是有限(finite )的那些对象有关的某些暗含。當時其他的作者少有这些疑惑;现在被接受的用法是称超限基数或序数为无限的。但是术语「超限」仍在使用。 超穷序数可以確定超穷基数,並導出阿列夫数序列。
克魯斯卡爾樹定理 Kruskal's tree theorem states that the set of finite trees over a well-quasi-ordered(英语:well-quasi-ordering) set of labels is itself well-quasi-ordered