[2019-07-22]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-25). AvenueChicago, The University of ChicagoEdwardH. Levi Hall5801 South Ellis. How the first chain reaction changed science.
卡尔·N·卢埃林(Karl N. Llewellyn):《普通法传统》(The Common Law Tradition)(陈绪纲 等译) 艾德华·H·列维(EdwardH.Levi):《法律推理引论》(An Introduction to the Legal Reasoning)(庄重 译) 理查德·A·波斯纳:《超越法律》(Overcoming
(1985). Law and the Modern Mind. Birmingham, AL: Legal Classics Library. Levi, EdwardH. (1949) An Introduction to Legal Reasoning. Chicago: University of Chicago