宋安於2017年3月15日18时32分在中華人民共和國北京市的醫院逝世,享年66歲。遺體於3月16日以專機運回金邊,3月19日進行國葬。 DeputyPrimeMinister Sok An has passed away, aged 66. - Koon Khmer. www.koonkhmer.com
HOR Namhong DeputyPrimeMinister, Ministerof Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Curriculum Vitae. Kingdom ofCambodia Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(原始内容存档于2020-09-23). 内政部大臣韶肯(Sar Kheng) Photo 8. H.E. Sar Kheng, DeputyPrimeMinisterCambodia, and Vice-Ministerof MIC Japan. stat.go.jp. [4 January 2011]. (原始内容存档于2016-11-14)
Program - Cambodia: H.E. Oknha Ly Yong Phat, Special economic advisor to Cambodian PrimeMinister Hun Sen, L.Y.P Group Co.,Ltd President & CEO, Deputy President