SNC-兰万灵事件 Committee on Justice and Human Rights , 6 March 2019(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Further submissions from the Hon. Jody Wilson-Raybould at the Standing Committee
精神障碍辩护 Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights ". 47 Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 260. Brown, M. (2007). "The John Hinckley Trial & Its Effect on the
間性者人權Committee on the Rights of the Child)和殘疾人權利委員會(英语:Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities)內的聯合國專家以及歐洲委員會人權專員(英语:Commissioner for Human
聯合國性傾向與性別認同議題Commission on Human Rights )提出性傾向與人權的決議草案(英语:Brazilian Resolution)(E/CN.4/2003/L.92),但其討論遭到擱置。2005年3月,紐西蘭發表聯合聲明,在人權委員會(英语:United Nations Commission on Human
轉型正義Human Rights) 西亞地區 阿拉伯人權委員會(Arab Human Rights Committee ) 非洲地區 非洲人權和民族委員會(African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights ) 联合国 聯合國人權理事會 國際轉型正義中心