禧年書(BookofJubilees,約公元前135至105年) 西卜神諭篇卷三(Sibylline Oracles,約公元前二世紀或以後) 所羅門詩篇(Psalms of Solomon,約公元前50年) 摩西遺訓(Testament of Moses,或稱《摩西升天記》(Assumption of
in the BookofJubilees (l.c.), prevailed in the time of King John Hyrcanus, who forced the Abrahamic rite upon the Idumeans, and in that of King Aristobulus
Woolf)出版逾20本著作,當中不少為兒童書籍,亦有部份書籍講述錫蘭、香港及岡比亞的風貌。 她的著述包括: Jerry and Joe, A Tale of Two Jubilees, London: Oliphant, 1897. All in a Castle Fair, London: Cassell, 1900
Online translation ofJubilees Kugel 1998. Harry Orlinsky's Notes to the NJPS Torah Catechism of the Catholic Church: 390 Catechism of the Catholic Church: