General ManagementBachelor in International BusinessBachelor in Aviation Management (in Cooperation with Lufthansa AG) Bachelor in General Management – Part-time
Fashion Business 皇家墨爾本理工大學 Bachelorof Applied Science (Aviation) Bachelorof Engineering (Electrical Engineering) (Honours) 雪菲爾哈倫大學 BA (Hons) Business and
公共關係及國際項目管理(榮譽)文學士學位課程 Bachelorof Arts(Honours)in Public Relations and International Events Management 數碼轉型工商管理碩士 Master ofBusiness Administration in Digital
工商管理学士(BachelorofBusiness Administration,工商管理學學士) 商務學士(Bachelorof Commerce,BComm(英语:BComm)) 商业行政理学士(Bachelorof Science in Business Administration,BSBA(英语:BSBA))