38%的选票和3个席位,但也失去了主要的同生态位对手。这一点加上民族行动党受正义党(英语:Justice Party (Turkey))邀请组建土耳其第39届政府(英语:39thgovernmentofTurkey)的原因,导致了民族行动党开始出现起色,在1977年土耳其大选(英语:1977 Turkish general
Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Britannic Majesty to the Sublime Porte of Selim III, Sultan ofTurkey),临走前他询问英国政府是否有意雇佣一些艺术家临摹帕特农神庙的雕塑,但收到了令人沮丧的回复。
Regarding the Temporary Relocation of the Tomb of Süleyman Şah and Memorial Outpost / Rep. ofTurkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mfa.gov.tr. 2015-02-22
People's Government. [2011-07-19]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-23). Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics and NBS Survey Office in Beijing. Beijing Bureau of Statistics
(原始内容存档于2021-04-27) (德语). Seibert, Thomas. Mega airport project in Turkey's Istanbul rocked by deaths of dozens of workers. The Arab Weekly. 25 February 2018 [31 October